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Things you should know before joining a Medical college

Medicine is the highest respected profession. Students who aspire to become medical professionals have to make it through with a lot of hard work, discipline, stress, and patience to attain the respect, loyalty, and rewards that come with the profession. Becoming a Doctor is a dream for many, but very few are courageous enough to believe in it and work toward it. Entering a medical college is the first step to fulfilling this dream, but there are many myths and preconceived notions about the life of a medical college student. Here we give an insight into what to expect from your college life in a medical college.
Shantabaa Medical College And General Hospital is located in Amreli, Gujarat, and provides professional medical courses on campus. If you are someone who aspires to become a doctor, here is what to expect from medical life which we hope will clear some of your doubts and help you make a good decision.

What to expect

It's a never-ending process of learning: There is always room for more learning in this field. More books to read, more theories to understand, and more analyses to be undertaken. It is not like you just have to study for a particular year, it is a continuous process to understand human anatomy and continues even after you become a medical professional.
Everyone is intelligent around you: You will be surrounded by people who are efficient and capable in their work. Some of the students may be doing better than you and some may be just surviving. Just know that you are one of them, who is equally capable and not an outsider
Yes, you need to study hard: This is inevitable, and there is no escape from this. We all know that medical students need to study a lot of subjects compared to any other stream. There are a lot of theories and practicals to be covered. Not only during college hours but after that too. There is constant pressure to complete ongoing things and simultaneously keep preparing for upcoming tests and exams.
You will make some bonds for a lifetime: In between all the hustle, you will find peers equally hustling through the day and you can find moments of light discussion, humour, and partnerships that will lead you through bad days. Some students also form some great bonds with professors, while working under and with them during their medical years. College committees and social groups also help students to find friends with similar interests. You may or may not be staying in touch with these people after college, but they will make your days there to be remembered.
Anatomy is so much more than diagrams: Anatomy is an integral part of studies and practicals. From the very first year, students are expected to work on actual body parts for their studies. Students should be mentally prepared for this to avoid panicking. It's any way better to start early to develop interest and expertise by the time you qualify as a professional.
At SMCGH there are various committees formed by students, teachers, and professionals altogether to maintain a healthy studying environment around the campus. Various programs are conducted where the professionals help and encourage the student to explore their areas of interest.


You are on your own: You may be spending a lot of time studying on your own but there are committees, professors, and friends to guide you and support you throughout your journey. The toughest is the first year when you have no idea whom to rely on for what, but once you establish relationships, it starts to get so much fun. So the key is to just hang in there.
There is no social life: We are social animals, and we tend to form bonds in the toughest and most critical conditions. Besides, there are social on-campus interest groups and committees to help students strike a social-life balance among medical students. There may be allnighters and excess workload, but make sure to attend such meets and be an active participant in events happening around the campus.
No sleep: No doubt, there are days when you have to pull off an all-nighter to catch up with your pending work and you may have an early morning reporting time simultaneously, but this doesn't have to be regular if you manage your time well and prioritize your work.
It is only for school toppers: The fact is, it is about interest and skills. Your school grades cannot decide your profession. If you have an interest in a subject, nothing can stop you from acing it. All you need is an eagerness to learn and know more.
Only good grades will make you a good doctor: Besides good grades, you will need practical skills like self-confidence, decision-making, communication skills, and leadership to be a good doctor, only academic knowledge is not enough. You will be part of an organisation and a system, these skills will help you manage your work and organisational relationships.

How to survive

Organise things: Organisation is the key to managing your neverending lists of to-dos. There will be assignments to submit, practicals to be done, chapters to read, and an upcoming rehearsal for a club. You cannot be running around last minute, so keep a tab on your work from the very beginning to avoid missing any important deadline or event. Avoid procrastinating things to keep your sanity intact by organising and planning ahead of time.
Know that everything you are reading will be useful: Nothing is just to pass exams in medical school. Every subject and every topic will help you in your future practice for the rest of your life. All of the knowledge will help you diagnose and treat diseases. So your curiosity to learn more and gather more information on the subject can lead to being useful in a very critical situation, which will make you competent to excel in your tasks
Take help and suggestions : You may find yourself struggling to keep up with the life of a medical student. The worst thing you can do here is to isolate yourself. You may often think that you can manage things for yourself but sometimes suggestions and consultation can make a big difference. Feel free to approach your seniors, professors, or team members for help. The skill of asking for help will aid you in future practices and patient care also.
Prioritise mental well-being : Dedicate a day of the week to doing something out of academics. You can spend time exploring a hobby or interest. It can also be a ritual with friends or family. Taking out time for the things you enjoy is very important and will also help you squeeze in some personal time between all the rush.
Stay motivated: Know that the stress is worth the outcome. Look at the better and brighter side of things, like how you can save lives, help people with physical struggles, and impact lives after becoming a Doctor. Always look at the bigger picture and never forget the reason you chose medical life.
SMCGH adopts a holistic approach for students, where they are not only imparted with the knowledge to deal with real-life situations but also the values of compassion and empathy towards the patient and society as a whole. A friendly and nontoxic campus environment is something they are very proud of.
For most medical students the medical field is the ultimate career choice. They do it because they simply wouldn’t feel happy doing anything else. If you know this is what you are meant for, take that step and just jump right in, no one learns how to swim sitting at the shore.

Medicine is the highest respected profession. Students who aspire to become medical professionals have to make it through with a lot of hard work, discipline, stress, and patience to attain the respect, loyalty, and rewards that come with the profession. Becoming a Doctor is a dream for many, but very few are courageous enough to believe in it and work toward it. Entering a medical college is the first step to fulfilling this dream, but there are many myths and preconceived notions about the life of a medical college student. Here we give an insight into what to expect from your college life in a medical college.

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