July 15, 2022

Laparoscopic Surgery at Shantabaa General Hospital

Some inventions change the entire perspective of how a certain kind of thing is done and bring about a revolution. These inventions make life less complicated […]
June 30, 2022

Mega Health Camp: Towards a Healthy Amreli

“Every life matters” we hear and say this all the time, but there are few who work towards making this statement true.Few think about the needs […]
June 20, 2022

What can one learn at Shantabaa Medical College and General Hospital?

Medical caregivers are at the center of the whole healthcare system. They impact the institution and every human life they come across, and that is why […]
May 31, 2022

Towards a healthier rural India

The term “world-class” brings to mind a particular type of idea, doesn’t it? Expensive, unreachable, only for wealthy people? But, there are two things that everyone […]
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