May 2, 2024

Improving women’s healthcare in rural areas

Accessing quality healthcare in rural areas can be a challenge, particularly for women. Limited infrastructure, medical resources, and cultural barriers often contribute to disparities in healthcare […]
May 4, 2024

Allergies and summer care for your health

The season has changed, the warm summer breeze is here and so are new challenges for your skin care, allergies and overall health. For your overall […]
May 17, 2024

World Hypertension Day: Take care in the right way

As we mark World Hypertension Day, it’s crucial to raise awareness about this silent yet significant health concern affecting millions worldwide. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, […]
June 19, 2024

SMCGH’s experience with schizophrenia

Understanding the symptoms of schizophrenia is crucial for early detection and intervention, as this complex mental health condition can significantly impact an individual’s behaviour. Symptoms may […]
June 19, 2024

Shantabaa’s Commitment to Making Healthcare Accessible to All

At Shantabaa Hospital, we deeply understand the significance of healthcare in improving and sustaining lives. We believe that quality healthcare is a human right. Our mission […]
July 23, 2024

Keeping Kids Safe and Healthy in Monsoon

Maintaining kids’ safety and health in monsoon requires a proactive approach to manage common risks such as higher humidity, increased rain and temperature fluctuations. Parents must […]
August 5, 2024

Screen Time and Eye Strain: What to Look Out For

Excessive screen time has become a significant concern in today’s digital age, leading to a condition known as eye strain or digital eye strain. Prolonged exposure […]
August 5, 2024

Take care of your bones the right way

Our bones provide the framework for our body, allowing us to move, protect our organs, and store critical minerals. Our skeletal system is a live, fundamental […]
August 13, 2024

Mental Health Challenges AmongSchool Children

Mental health challenges among school children are increasingly prevalent and concerning, affecting their academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. Factors such as academic pressure, social […]
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