Clinical specialty branch of Medicine, deals with diagnosis, prevention and treatment of adult diseases also refer as internal medicine. One of major specialty of the hospital caters service to larger patient’s population in any hospital. Doctors specializing in General medicine are called physicians. Medical team efficiently manages emergencies like Cardiac emergencies, Respiratory emergencies, Acute and Chronic Kidney failure, Stroke, Epilepsy, neurological emergency Acute poisoning, Severe Jaundice, Septic shock, Snake bites etc. An excellent care is given for these patients. The department in addition to the above also runs a Diabetic and Hypertension clinic.
To bridge basic science, health services research and clinical care through innovative, inclusive, disciplined leadership in clinical service, education, and science and advocate and practice the highest quality of patient-centered care, medical education and research.
To produce the next generation of physicians, researchers and educators trained for state of art thereuptic and diagnostic faculties, upholding the public trust, discover new knowledge, and significant contribute to the alleviation of patient suffering and to the cure of human disease by sustained effort and commitment to lifelong learning through diversity of experience and opinion within an engaged, respectful, and open community.
  • General and private male and female wards along with Medical ICCU.
  • Casualty / Emergency services after OPD hours.
  • Facilities for Echocardiography, stress test [TMT] and ECG.
  • Facilities for G.I Endoscopy/ Colonoscopy
  • Facilities for nerve conduction tests (NCV, EMG) and Electroencephalography (EEG).
  • Facilities for all routine bed side procedures like Pleural aspiration, As cites tapping, Bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy, USG guided pericardial effusion aspiration. (Pericardiocentesis)
  • Interdisciplinary Research lab facilities
  • The OPD consultation and medical procedure services on weekdays from 9:00 am 5.00 pm
  • A dedicated specialty clinics for Diabetic patients, and Geriatric Clinic once a week
  • IPD services with facilities for all kinds procedures including kidney biopsies, liver biopsies, giving intra-articular injections, performing lumber punctures, ascetic and pleural taps.
  • Periodical Health Education camps for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of health diseases
  • Regular consultation service to community at urban and rural health centers of medical college.
Teaching/Training Activities:
The curriculum has been prepared in pursuance of MCI regulations and commences in the 3rd semester of the MBBS program and continues up to 9th semester. III Semester students are posted in department of medicine for 3 hours, in batches for learning clinical skills, every day for each semester, and encouraged to practice these skills on patients under direct guidance of faculty. Lectures, small group discussion and problem based tutorial are also organized for development of comprehension, analysis and communication skills. Students are also encouraged to participate in regular bedside clinic and integrated seminar; case presentation skill sessions are also organized for undergraduate students.
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